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DET Launches Second Cycle of Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp Initiative

by Madaline Dunn

Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) has announced the launch of the second cycle of the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp. The initiative seeks to recognise hotels’ adherence to DET’s ‘19 Sustainability Requirements’, which are a set of mandatory standards related to “sustainable tourism”.

The DST Stamp was launched in 2023 and is awarded under a three-tier scheme – gold, silver, and bronze – validated by a committee of senior industry professionals.

“The Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp is more than just an accolade to recognise excellence in sustainability – it is a testament to the support and guidance of our visionary leadership to position Dubai at the forefront of global efforts in sustainable tourism,” said Yousuf Lootah, CEO of Corporate Strategy and Performance sector at DET, and Head of the DET Environmental Sustainability & Social Responsibility Committee.

“As we launch the second cycle of the DST Stamp, we invite hotels across Dubai to showcase their commitment to sustainability and contribute to our shared vision for a greener future, aligning with a key goal of the D33 Agenda to transform Dubai into the best city to visit, live and work in,” added Lootah, noting that the initiative aims to “inspire enhanced collaboration” between the government and private sectors in Dubai.

The ‘19 Sustainability Requirements’ were introduced in 2019 to guide hotels in implementing eco-friendly practices, and are part of the wider Dubai Sustainable Tourism (DST) initiative, developed by DET to drive the tourism sector’s sustainability transition.

The ‘19 Sustainability Requirements’ include:

  • Taking steps to achieve energy and water efficiency,
  • Implementing waste management programmes,
  • Guest education, and
  • Employee training initiatives.

In the first cycle of 2023, the DST Stamp received 278 hotel applications, resulting in 70 winners – 11 gold, 28 silver, and 31 bronze.

Another key initiative under DST has been the rollout and ongoing development of the Carbon Calculator tool, which measures the carbon footprint within Dubai’s hospitality sector.

The tool tracks real-time data for carbon emission sources, allowing hotels to identify and effectively manage their energy consumption.

The window for hotels to submit their applications will close on 15 September, it was shared.

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