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Home » Cigna Healthcare: Harnessing Health – Measuring the Impact of Employee Health and Well-being Benefits | Report

Cigna Healthcare: Harnessing Health – Measuring the Impact of Employee Health and Well-being Benefits | Report

by Madaline Dunn

A new Cigna Healthcare study, Harnessing Health – Measuring the Impact of Employee Health and Well-being Benefits, surveyed 1000 managers and directors in HR and Benefits functions in the UAE, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK and US.

The results showed that there is a disconnect between employer intentions and employee perceptions regarding health and well-being benefits in the UAE.

Indeed, of the survey respondents, HR leaders were found to rank international health insurance as the most preferred employee value proposition (EVP) for boosting productivity and attracting talent. Comparatively, only seven in 10 employees believe their employers proactively support their health and well-being.

Other results include:

  • Ninety-eight per cent of UAE employees agree that a robust health and well-being program significantly boosts productivity and creates a more positive workplace.
  • UAE companies offer more health benefits than their global counterparts, but many benefits remain underutilised.
  • Employee health and well-being are top priorities for HR leaders,
  • This is on par with succession planning and leadership development (15 per cent).
  • Over half of these leaders believe that robust health insurance plans promote a positive company culture and enhance employee loyalty while effectively reducing absenteeism.
  • More than half of HR leaders acknowledge the positive impact of health benefits on key business metrics, particularly employee loyalty and fostering good company culture, but their confidence wanes when it comes to its effectiveness in decreasing turnover.
  • There is still a gap in mental health support, as it is the least offered benefit in the UAE (48 per cent) among all markets surveyed.

To read more on the Harnessing Health report, head here.

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