Home » Plastic Bank reaches global milestone with 100 million kilograms of plastic collected

Plastic Bank reaches global milestone with 100 million kilograms of plastic collected

by Madaline Dunn

Plastic Bank has announced it has reached the milestone of stopping over 100 million kilograms of plastic waste from reaching the surrounding environment. This is equivalent to 5 billion 500ml plastic bottles prevented from contributing to the growing crisis of plastic pollution.

In Egypt, Plastic Bank has 28+ collection centres across 11 governorates that contributed more than 13 per cent of collection to the 100 million kilograms milestone. 

These Egyptian communities have gathered the equivalent of 500 million plastic bottles in just three years. 

Out of the 40,000 plus collection members, 2,100+ collection members are from Egypt. Plastic Bank said that these people are “not only cleaning up their environment” but also “transcending poverty” by exchanging plastic waste for secure income and life-improving benefits.

“This isn’t just a dream; it’s a remarkable achievement of our recycling communities who gathered each piece by hand, carving their own paths out of poverty with it,” announced David Katz, the visionary Founder and Chairman of Plastic Bank. 

“We stand at a crossroads. We can either continue down the path of consumerism, or we can embark on a profound journey of regeneration,” he added.

“The milestone achieved isn’t just about plastic; it’s about what humanity can accomplish when united by a common purpose,” said Katz, crediting the recycling communities, partners, individuals and Plastic Bankers who made it possible. 

“We’re inviting the world to join us in rewriting our planet’s destiny, in creating a world where every transaction empowers us to regenerate resources, rejuvenate the environment, and liberate recycling communities from the grip of poverty.”

Plastic Bank said that since its inception, its Social Recycling movement has “spread like wildfire,” igniting the spirits of more than 550+ communities across Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

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