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British Council hosts climate initiatives at COP28

by Madaline Dunn

The British Council is hosting various climate initiatives at COP28, leveraging arts, culture, and education, it has shared. 

The Climate Skills programme, a global partnership programme, for example, focuses on developing green skills among 12,000 youths in key countries over the next three years.

Additionally, the Creative Commissions is aimed at blending arts and science to foster innovative climate solutions, stimulating dialogue and collaboration between the UK and international communities. This includes supporting curators and artists to engage over 600,000 people through creative responses and exhibitions on the climate crisis, it said. 

Aida Salamanca, Country Director (UAE) of the British Council, commented: “In hosting COP28, the UAE provides a unique platform for global climate discussions. The British Council is proud to contribute to this dialogue, bringing together diverse voices from around the world. Our initiatives, particularly in empowering the youth through Arts, Culture, and Education, align with the vision for a sustainable future, highlighting the role of international cooperation in addressing global climate challenges.”

The British Council is hosting the following at COP28:

  • Global MOOC during COP28: Collaborating with the University of Edinburgh, offering a course sharing insights into the challenges discussed at COP28, with contributions from the British Council’s activities.
  • Climate Research and Publications: Highlighting and launching key research on global priorities for school-based climate education and climate change impacts on cultural heritage, including a study by University College London (UCL) commissioned by the British Council on effective strategies for training teachers to deliver climate change education.
  • Artistic and Cultural Responses to Climate Change: The British Council is showcasing an array of Creative Commissions at COP28. Notable among these is the film “Mother Earth International, Better Late Than Never,” a dance film that addresses the climate and ecological crisis. Additionally, the project “From Ink to Action” will be featured, highlighting a collaboration of 12 talented artists from the MENA region who use comic art to address pressing climate issues.
  • Sessions and Workshops: Hosting and participating in various sessions and workshops during COP28, focusing on themes like education for a green economy, climate literacy, and protecting natural heritage from climate threats.
  • Engagement and Advocacy in Climate Education: Working on initiatives to integrate climate change education into school curriculums and teacher training programs.

A key element of the British Council’s COP28 engagement is also the Cultural Protection Fund, it said.

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