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First national dialogue for veterinary medicine opened by Minister of Climate Change and Environment

by Madaline Dunn

The first National Dialogue for Veterinary Medicine at United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, was recently opened by HE Dr. Amna bint Abdullah Al Dahak, the Minister of Climate Change and Environment.

The first National Dialogue focused on developing solutions to protect and enhance veterinary medicine and creating opportunities for continued growth, innovation, and sustainability.

The delegation included Prof. Ghaleb Al Hadrami Al Breiki, Acting Vice Chancellor of United Arab Emirates University, experts from veterinary establishments, representatives of relevant international organisations and associations, and government agencies and authorities.

In her keynote speech at the event titled, Enhance the capabilities of veterinary services in the UAE, HE Dr Al Dahak, said: “Today, we gather to strengthen collaboration, create sustainable opportunities for better veterinary services, and we can work together to build the UAE into a role model for the region.”

The Minister underlined the key role that veterinary services play in combating endemic and emerging animal diseases and safeguarding humans, animals, and the environment from associated health risks.

Indeed, World Health Organization for Animal Health (WHO) statistics that were shared outline that approximately 60 per cent of human pathogens originate from animals, with over 70 per cent of emerging diseases shared between humans and animals.

She also highlighted the UAE’s support for the WHO’s Global Strategy via initiatives like One Health and Pathway Veterinary Services (PVS) evaluation.

The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment has developed a comprehensive legal framework in the Animal and Veterinary Sector, as well as a standardised implementation of procedures across the country, it was noted.

In addition, tools and capabilities have been developed to support the veterinary system through the Biosecurity Early Warning System.

This multi-sectoral and multi-level digital tool addresses animal health by sending alerts on legislative violations, as well as epidemiological and animal welfare concerns.

HE Dr. Al Dahak said: “We are here to collaborate for the ongoing development of the veterinary medicine sector and for the wider protection of our wildlife, and the enhancement of global biodiversity.

Adding: “We aim to build bridges of communication between academia, government, and the private sector. This entails identifying key challenges faced by the veterinary profession, refining a mutually agreed-upon veterinary roadmap, launching the regulatory and legislative frameworks needed for the veterinary profession.”

The dialogue led to a series of development initiatives centred around the leadership of the veterinary sector, including collaborations with the private and academic sectors to establish a national system for qualifying and training veterinary students.

The aim is to ensure they receive comprehensive scientific and practical experiences.

Additionally, there is a focus on creating a digital platform for veterinary facilities to enhance transparency, competitiveness, and improve the overall animal health system in the country.

HE Dr. Al Dahak also met with students from the Veterinary Medicine program at United Arab Emirates University, where the Minister discussed how MOCCAE can best support the next generation of Veterinary Medical professionals in the UAE.

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