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Home » EtihadWE showcases initiatives & projects at MOEI Innovation Week

EtihadWE showcases initiatives & projects at MOEI Innovation Week

by Madaline Dunn

During the “Innovation Week,” organised over three days by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure (MOEI), Etihad Water and Electricity (EtihadWE) showcased a range of initiatives and projects on clean energy and water.

The event, which took place concurrently with the “UAE Innovates 2024” events, highlighted innovation targeted at supporting the objectives of the UAE Centennial 2071.

The company spotlighted its various initiatives for using clean energy, including converting golf carts used for internal transport to solar-powered vehicles.

The innovation team shared it is currently working on developing this idea to include converting the vehicles to operate on kinetic energy.

EtihadWE also presented its design for a mobile charging vehicle to service electric vehicles needing emergency road charging.

Further, the company showcased an advanced sensor used in water tanks to send immediate alerts to officials when there is a change in water colour or chemical properties.

This, it shared, is capable of automatically closing valves to prevent the pumping of unfit water for consumption, along with a system for remote periodic inspection of high-pressure pipes.

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