Home » Oxford Saïd, Burjeel Holdings Launch Global Climate Change Challenge

Oxford Saïd, Burjeel Holdings Launch Global Climate Change Challenge

by Madaline Dunn

Saïd Business School, University of Oxford and Burjeel Holdings have announced the launch of the second edition of the Oxford Saïd-Burjeel Holdings Climate Change Challenge.

The challenge is a global competition aimed at empowering high school students and educators to address the climate crisis. Last year, the inaugural edition saw over 600 applications from more than 43 countries.

This year’s finalists will be invited to Azerbaijan during COP29, with winners visiting Oxford University in 2025 to study a short programme. The winning teacher will also be invited to participate in a programme at Oxford University in 2025.

Students, as a team comprising three to five members and educators, can submit proposals across five key themes, including:

  • Food Security,
  • Biodiversity,
  • Water Scarcity,
  • Air Pollution, and
  • Extreme Weather Events.

Teachers are required to submit their entries as lesson plans designed to educate students about climate change and its various aspects.

“The Climate Change Challenge represents our commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders equipped to tackle the climate crisis head-on,” commented Dean Soumitra Dutta of Oxford Saïd.

“By empowering youth to drive change and fostering collaboration across borders, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.”

Dr. Shamsheer Vayalil, Founder and Chairman of Burjeel Holdings, added: “This collaboration underscores our commitment to addressing global challenges through education and innovation. We are seeing more extreme weather events like heatwaves, droughts, and floods that highlight the urgent need for decisive action against climate change. By engaging the next generation in this critical mission, we can foster the creativity and determination needed to combat the climate crisis effectively.”

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