Home » UAE: International SOS Issues Warning on Workforce Safety Amid Extreme Temperatures

UAE: International SOS Issues Warning on Workforce Safety Amid Extreme Temperatures

by Madaline Dunn

Against a backdrop of record-breaking temperatures and heatwaves, health and security services company International SOS has issued an alert to companies in the UAE to ensure workforce safety.

The company warned that heatstroke, dehydration and heat exhaustion are just some of the dangers workers face in extreme heat conditions, with heat leading to increased accidents and even fatalities.

Indeed, according to the company, over one billion workers are at risk of being exposed to high-heat episodes due to higher-than-normal temperatures and heatwaves.

International SOS stressed the importance of organisations regularly assessing operations for potential heat stress hazards.

Identifying high-risk locations and activities and considering vulnerable employee profiles is also key, it said.

Further, the company recommended making heat stress prevention a core component of health and safety policies.

“Ensure workers have access to shaded areas for breaks, hydration stations to keep hydrated and allow for breathable workwear suitable for high temperatures,” said International SOS.

Education also has a role to play in protecting workforces, it said, recommending climate-specific training programmes that focus on working safely in extreme heat. This includes educating employees on proper hydration practices and sun protection measures.

International SOS said it’s also important to train employees to recognise heat stress symptoms and provide clear protocols for hydration, rest breaks and cooling down.

Beyond these measures, the International SOS called for companies to develop robust heat response protocols and effectively communicate those protocols, ensuring the workforce knows who to contact in case of a heat emergency.

Regularly reviewing and updating these policies is also essential in ensuring they reflect the latest information and best practices for heat safety, International SOS said.

Dr Ehab Chalabie, Medical Director, Medical Services, Middle East, International SOS, noted that while occupational heat stress used to be primarily an outdoor concern, with rising temperatures, even indoor workplaces without proper ventilation can become dangerous.

“Organisations must go beyond basic heat stress prevention and integrate heat stress risk assessments into their health and safety policies,” added Dr Ehab Chalabie.

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