Home » International SOS Risk Outlook 2024 Report

International SOS Risk Outlook 2024 Report

by Madaline Dunn

Health and security services company International SOS has released its Risk Outlook 2024 Report.

On behalf of the organisation, Ipsos carried out an online survey among 675 business leaders and security and health professionals across 82 countries and found that 74 per cent of surveyed risk management experts believe geopolitical tensions will significantly impact their organisations in 2024.

Further, 38 per cent of experts believe their organisations are not equipped to respond to or mitigate the effects of social or civil unrest.

Meanwhile, three-quarters of respondents expect employee mental health to have a significant impact on their organisation this year.

It found that 80 per cent say that their organisation’s employees or operations are likely to be impacted by stress and burnout in the next 12 months. However, 41 per cent said their organisation is “unprepared” to respond to or mitigate employee stress and burnout.

Elsewhere, the report revealed that 48 per cent of organisations’ operations have been impacted by climate change, and 72 per cent reported extreme weather as a challenge to operations and employees in the next 12 months.

For the full Risk Outlook 2024 report, head here.

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