Home » Global Framework on Chemicals Fund Launches Call for Projects 

Global Framework on Chemicals Fund Launches Call for Projects 

by Madaline Dunn

The Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC) Fund has launched a call for projects targeting the safe and sustainable management of chemicals and waste in developing countries.  

The fund—made up of voluntary contributions—will target some of the world’s most disadvantaged countries, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said in a statement this month. Selected projects will receive between USD 300,000 and USD 800,000 to work on safe and sustainable solutions to the disposal of chemicals and waste, reducing the risk of damage to human health and the environment.  

The GFC was established to provide “a vision for a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste, for a safe, healthy and sustainable future” and was adopted by the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in 2023. 

“Pollution and waste constitute a daily crisis for people’s health, undermine economic activity, and leave nature permanently scarred,” said Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director of the UNEP Industry and Economic Division. “The historic Framework is turning from text into practice and providing concrete benefits for those at the frontline of this crisis.” 

The GFC outlines a set of 28 targets to address social and environmental issues around chemicals and waste, including the implementation of national legal frameworks and the phase out of highly hazardous chemicals used in pesticides by 2035.  

The first round of applications will remain open until 31 January 2025, with the GFC launching periodic calls. The funding will be delivered over three years, and projects able to remain sustainable beyond this timeframe will be prioritised.  

The executive board of the GFC will decide which projects are selected. 

According to the GFC, projects will be required to have co-financing and in-kind contributions of at least 25 per cent.

Governments can apply for funding, as well as civil society networks if they have an agreement with the respective government. 

Applicants will be able to learn more about the application process through two webinars that will take place in November.

Webinars will be recorded and made accessible at any time through the GFC website. There are also detailed application guidebooks in English, French and Spanish.  

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