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SADAFCO Releases Second Sustainability Report

by Madaline Dunn

SADAFCO has released its second sustainability report, which discloses its sustainability performance for the period starting 1st April 2022 and ending 8th August 2023.

The report titled “Reinforcing Sustainability” addresses the stakeholder engagement process, governance, community development initiatives, products and services, and efforts made toward sustainability. It also includes an evaluation of significant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) related concerns.

In the report, the company said it had demonstrated alignment of material topics with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and the National Transformation Program (NTP), which forms an integral part of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.

Further, it said that the GRI principles of Accuracy, Balance, Clarity, Comparability, Completeness, Sustainability context, Timeliness and Verifiability guided its approach to reporting on stakeholder engagement, materiality assessment and development of the report content.

Speaking about the report, Patrick Stillhart, CEO, SADAFCO, said: “I am pleased to share the remarkable progress we have made in our journey towards sustainable and responsible business practices at SADAFCO. Our unwavering focus remains on realigning our strategies, placing people at the center of our business transformation, and striving to create long-term value for all. We believe that we are on the right path to sustainable value creation.”

“Our efforts to reduce pollutants in our effluent have yielded positive results, with a significant reduction in COD levels. Furthermore, our focus on packaging waste collection and recycling has contributed to a 30% increase in the recycling rate at SADAFCO. We remain committed to maintaining this momentum through innovative measures, technologies, and partnerships,” Stillhart added.

The company said it is an “early mover” in the Kingdom regarding renewable energy and shared that it is currently studying the potential of introducing solar power generation at nine additional locations by 2024 with a “global energy player.”

It also highlighted that its focus extends to greening its fleet operations and shared that it is actively investing in renewable energy and adopting energy-efficient techniques.

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