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Home » ‘Green Industrial Cities’ initiative launched by Madayn in Samail Industrial City

‘Green Industrial Cities’ initiative launched by Madayn in Samail Industrial City

by Madaline Dunn

The Public Establishment for Industrial Estates “Madayn” has announced the launch of the ‘Green Industrial Cities’ initiative. 

Under the initiative, Madayn has commenced planting Samar, Sidr, Ghaf, and Shua trees in Samail Industrial City in cooperation with the Authority.

There are plans to expand these efforts further to all the industrial cities under its purview. This will be a gradual process, it said.

It was shared that the ‘Green Industrial Cities’ initiative aligns with the national initiative to plant ten million wild trees in the Sultanate.

Eng. Ibtisam Al Shanfari, Environmental Affairs Specialist Manager at the Head of Operations Sector Office in Madayn, commented: “This initiative is pivotal in ensuring the sustainable preservation of the environment against air, soil, and water pollution, while addressing the challenges posed by climate change.”

Adding: “Additionally, the initiative aims to raise environmental awareness and align with the Sultanate’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, particularly within the industrial sector, through the advancement of clean energy technologies.”

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