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Call for inclusion of persons with disabilities’ voices in climate action

by Madaline Dunn

At COP28, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Goodwill Ambassador for Climate Action, Michael Haddad, completed a symbolic walk to call for the inclusion of persons with disabilities’ voices in climate negotiations and action.

His walk, it was shared, was to highlight the crucial need for the full participation of persons with disabilities in climate conversations and served as a reminder of the urgency for increased ambition and action to mitigate the impact of climate change.

The walk started next to the entrance of Expo Urban Farm and ended outside the Women’s Pavilion, in the Green Zone, where participants were welcomed by the UN Assistant Secretary General and UNDP Regional Director for Arab States, Dr. Abdallah Al-Dardari.

“The active participation of persons with disabilities in climate negotiations and action is foundational to justice and pivotal for driving effective and sustainable climate solutions. Through the empowerment and involvement of all segments of society, including persons with disabilities, we can foster more comprehensive and impactful strategies to address the challenges posed by climate change,” said Dr. Al Dardari.

UNDP appointed Haddad as a Regional Goodwill Ambassador for Climate Action in 2019.

Haddad is currently preparing for another challege: to walk 100 kilometres in the Arctic Circle to bring attention to the melting Arctic ice sheet as one of the “gravest manifestations” of climate change, and to call for urgent climate action.

His Arctic Walk for Action on the Klima (Climate) Emergency – AWAKE Walk is expected to take place in Norway in late 2024.

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