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Zain announces A- CDP score for third consecutive year

by Madaline Dunn

Zain Group has announced that it has maintained its A- score in the ‘CDP Score Report – Climate Change 2022,’ having first secured this rating back in 2021. 

Zain shared that this positions the company as the only telecom operator in the Middle East and Africa to achieve this rating.

With this score, it ranks among the 31 per cent of companies that reached Leadership level in the media, telecommunications, and data centre group.

Overall, it scored A in six categories: 

  • Business Strategy, 
  • Financial planning and Scenario Analysis, 
  • Emissions reduction initiatives and low-carbon products, 
  • Governance, 
  • Opportunity Disclosure, 
  • Risk Disclosure and 
  • Scope 1 & 2 emissions.

In 2022, the company developed its Climate Change Compliance Framework to structure its climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives, with the aim of becoming Net Zero by 2050. 

The Framework encompasses key energy efficiency initiatives and covers Zain’s entire value chain, including: 

  • Eco-design principles; 
  • Energy-efficient equipment adoption; 
  • Renewable energy deployment; 
  • Supplier and partner engagement; and 
  • Waste management.

The framework, Zain noted, is also aligned with recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and the GSM Association (GSMA), Zain’s Compliance Framework.

Jennifer Suleiman, Zain Group Chief Sustainability Officer, commented: “Climate change is a key priority for Zain as we target halving our carbon emissions before 2030 and achieve Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2050. This alignment with global best practices and standards, reinforces Zain’s position as a leader in corporate sustainability.”

Adding: “There are few more important topics affecting the world as climate change, and it is incumbent for organizations like ours that can contribute to a meaningful reduction in harmful emissions to do so. We shall continue to be active and transparent about our efforts and hope more organizations in the region will be inspired to follow our example.”

CDP is an independent not-for-profit charity that runs the global environmental disclosure system, which encourages companies and governments to disclose their environmental impacts, particularly those related to climate change. 

The organisation provides investors, companies, cities, states, and regions a platform to measure, manage, and disclose their environmental data.

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